The Hokorian State’s principles were established in the Constitution of the Hokorian State, with the Government being bound to them and required to promote them among Hokorians.
What are the principles?
Chapter 6, Part 1 sets out the nation’s principles. They are:
- Every person shall be given the opportunity to be welcomed into the Hokorian community as equals.
- Every person shall be given the power to make decisions that concern themselves.
- The Hokorian State shall be forever changing and adapting to the needs of its people and the environment that its people live in.
- The Hokorian State shall forever strive towards nurturing a peaceful society and encouraging a peaceful world.
- The Hokorian State shall forever be a place where fascism may never thrive.
- The Hokorian State shall forever be centred around its people rather than any particular individual or group of individuals.
A place of welcome
The Hokorian State must always be welcoming- everyone should be given the opportunity to be welcomed as a Hokorian.
Hokorian nationality law allows some people with links to register as a Hokorian national, whilst the application process allows anyone else to support the nation’s governance in order to become a Hokorian national.
Everyone is treated with respect- regardless of the colour of your skin, where you’re from, who you love, what your gender is, how old you are, or anything like that.
A place of self-determination
The Hokorian State is somewhere that encourages self-determination and people being able to make decisions when it concerns themselves. From determination of their own gender to of ending their own pregnancy, information is power. The Government protects the Hokorian people’s rights through informed decision.
Self-determination is something that the Government also supports in regards to international recognition. The people of everywhere should have the right to determine who governs them- this is the reason why Hokoria is able to exist and is something we promote elsewhere.
A place that’s in the present
Change is at the heart of the nation, and recognising when change is needed will always be at the centre of Hokoria’s governance.
The Government strives to ensure that Hokoria doesn’t get left in the past with outdated policies, and remains a place of progression.
A place of peace
The Hokorian State will always be a peace-first nation. Creating a peaceful society is one of the Government’s biggest missions, but is one that is vital for the safety of our people.
Peace is achieved through identifying the source of conflict, understanding all sides and working towards reducing that conflict. In reality, conflict will never be eradicated, but it can be minimised.
Even where Hokoria is peaceful, that peace can be compromised when the world is in conflict. Hokoria’s foreign policy decisions are people-first, peace-first.
A place where fascism can never take hold
The Hokorian State is a place where fascism must never be able to thrive, which is why the Government and the Hokorian people are proactive in shutting down fascism and educating people on fascism’s dangers.
A place centred around the people
Every policy and every decision in the Hokorian State is made with the people in mind- not just one particular group in mind. When decisions are made for one particular group, inequalities become a bigger problem.