Part 1- Establishment
- The Government ministry, office or organisation assigned the duties of foreign relations, diplomacy and recognition shall act as the State’s formal face in all diplomatic engagements.
- The powers of the Government in all diplomatic engagements shall be derived from the powers of the Crown.
- In its diplomatic engagements, the Government shall align itself with the nation’s Constitutional principles.
Part 2- Authority of the Government
- The Government shall be overseen by the Crown in all diplomatic engagements.
- The Government shall adhere to any Statutory Guidance published by Their Majesty’s Royal Office that relates to diplomatic engagements.
Part 1- Diplomatic representatives
- Ambassadors of the Hokorian State shall represent the State, the Crown and the Government to a host nation or host entity.
- Ambassadors of the Hokorian State serve at the will of the Crown.
- Ambassadors of the Hokorian State to a nation shall respect the local laws, regulations and cultures of their host nation.
- Ambassadors of the Hokorian State to an entity shall respect the entity’s regulations.
Part 2- Appointing diplomatic representatives
- The Government shall be permitted to propose Ambassadors of the Hokorian State to the Crown, in order to represent the Hokorian State to foreign nations and international entities.
- Once deemed acceptable, the Crown shall issue the Proposed Ambassador of the Hokorian State with a letter of credence and order them to the host nation or entity.
- Once formally accepted by the host nation or entity, the Proposed Ambassador of the Hokorian State shall become an Ambassador of the Hokorian State.
Part 3- Recalling and reinstating diplomatic representatives
- The Government shall be permitted to recall an Ambassador of the Hokorian State from the host nation or host entity.
- Recalled Ambassadors of the Hokorian State shall not formally engage with the host nation or host entity on behalf of the Hokorian State.
- The Government shall be permitted to reinstate an Ambassador of the Hokorian State back to the host nation or host entity.
- Upon the reinstatement of an Ambassador of the Hokorian State, they must be re-accepted by the host nation or entity, otherwise the reinstatement shall be considered null and void.
Part 4- Dismissing diplomatic representatives
- The Government may propose the dismissal of an Ambassador of the Hokorian State to the Crown.
- Once approved, the dismissed Ambassador of the Hokorian State shall not formally engage with the host nation or host entity on behalf of the Hokorian State.
Part 5- Foreign diplomatic representatives
- Ambassadors to the Hokorian State shall represent a foreign nation or international entity to the Hokorian State.
- The Government shall not formally engage with an Ambassador to the Hokorian State where they have not been deemed acceptable by the Crown.
- The Government shall be permitted to declare an Ambassador to the Hokorian State as persona non grata, where they are deemed unacceptable by the Crown or the Government.
- The Government shall not formally engage with an Ambassador to the Hokorian State where they have been declared as persona non grata.
- The Government may formally expel an Ambassador to the Hokorian State where they have been declared as persona non grata and have not been recalled by their nation or international organisation.
Part 6- Diplomatic representations and offices
- The Government may establish a diplomatic representation or office in a host nation, with the agreement of the Crown and through a formal arrangement with the host nation.
- The Government may maintain and assign diplomatic staff to diplomatic representation or office in a host nation.
- The Government may temporarily or indefinitely suspend a diplomatic representation or office, with the agreement of the Crown.
- The Government may close a diplomatic representation or office, with the agreement of the Crown.
Part 1- Non-binding agreements
- The Government shall be permitted to negotiate agreements with foreign nations and international organisations on non-binding matters, where they align with the nation’s Constitutional principles.
- The Government shall be permitted to enter into, terminate and modify a non-binding agreement.
Part 2- Binding agreements
- The Government shall be permitted to negotiate binding agreements with foreign nations and international organisations, where they align with the nation’s Constitutional principles.
- Where the matters of a binding agreement are not elsewhere provisioned for in their entirety, the binding agreement shall require approval from the Legislative Council and the Crown.
- The Government shall be permitted to enter into, terminate and modify a binding agreement.
- Binding agreements shall require review at a frequency of every calendar year, or sooner, by the Legislative Council.
Part 1- Recognition of foreign governments
- Foreign governments shall be recognised at the will of the Crown.
- The Government shall be permitted to recognise and revoke the recognition of foreign governments.
- Where it is deemed that the recognition or revoking of recognition of a foreign government may have broad political or economical consequences, the Government shall not be permitted to recognise or revoke the recognition of the foreign government.
Part 2- Documents of foreign governments
- Documents issued by recognised foreign governments shall be recognised by the Government.
- The Government may refuse to recognise some documents issued by foreign governments where they do not align with the nation’s Constitutional principles or legislation.
- Documents issued by unrecognised foreign governments shall be recognised on a case-by-case basis by the Government.
Part 1- Declaring emergencies
- Ambassadors of the Hokorian State to a foreign nation may declare an emergency in their host nation.
- Where a declared emergency in a host nation is accepted by the Crown, the Government shall be permitted to utilise emergency powers.
- Ambassadors of the Hokorian State to a foreign nation may retract an emergency declaration in their host nation.
- Where an emergency declaration is retracted, the Government shall no longer be permitted to utilise emergency powers.
- The Government may declare an emergency in any foreign territory.
- Where a declared emergency in a foreign territory is accepted by the Crown, the Government shall be permitted to utilise emergency powers.
Part 2- Emergency powers
- Where an emergency is declared, the Government may restrict the travel of Hokorians to the host nation or foreign territory.
- Where an emergency is declared, the Government may suspend diplomatic representations or offices in the host nation or foreign territory without the agreement of the Crown.
- Where an emergency is declared, the Government may relocate diplomatic representations or offices in the host nation or foreign territory.
- Where an emergency is declared, the Government may relocate diplomatic staff to another diplomatic representation or office, or recall them.
- Where an emergency is declared, the Government may engage with foreign embassies, consulates, missions and diplomatic offices to coordinate the evacuation or relocation of diplomatic staff and Hokorian nationals.
- Where an emergency is declared, the Government may establish direct, rapid-response communication channels between diplomatic representations or offices, Hokorian nationals and the Government.
- Where an emergency is declared, the Government may deploy additional resources and assign additional funds to the host nation or foreign territory for the purposes of aid, ensuring the safety of diplomatic staff, ensuring the safety of Hokorian nationals and for the purpose of rescuing diplomatic staff and Hokorian nationals.
- Additional resources and funds shall require approval by the Legislative Council, where it exceeds 5% of existing resources and funds assigned to the host nation or foreign territory, or where the resources are deployed for longer than 15 calendar days.
Part 1- Foreign advisory
- The Government may issue, amend and retract advisory on travelling to foreign nations and territories, in order to ensure the safety of Hokorian nationals.
- Advisory on travelling to foreign nations
- The Government shall not provide legal advice for Hokorian nationals when travelling to foreign nations and territories.
- The Government shall not guarantee the accuracy of advisory on travelling to foreign nations and territories, but shall make an effort to make advisory accurate.
Part 2- Diplomatic staff and advisories
- Diplomatic staff shall follow advisory on travelling to foreign nations and territories, and shall abide by any restrictions imposed through the advisory, when travelling officially.
- Diplomatic staff shall not be required to follow orders, where it contradicts current advisory or restriction.